domingo, 14 de junho de 2009

Piada em inglês; Crónica de um humorista da corte

Nada polido....

a jokester appears
a slight of magic he shows
and a young man he groans
for flower from his arse blows

the maiden so smiles
and blushes with ease
for the jokester is a breeze
to unravel you with tease

A jokester he was
a jokester he would be
till his deathbed
a joke on you he would need

Flowers and bows
was all he used
to get into court
and make fun of the king

a damsel once said
"you will be the death of me"
till the jokester thought
of venoming her tea

the damsel did shout
pout, sweat and jumped around
no doctor could find
a crook in her smile

the funeral was no fun
thought the jokester
till he paid a coin
and the Marseillaise ran free

A toy the boy asked
"a what!?" the jokester answered
"to play" the boy said
and so played was the boy

a smile so crooked was shown
a putrid teeth here and there
an horror filled the boy
the boy never was seen
by the joker or the mother

A prince i shall be said the jokester
laughs out loud nearly wiped the court
a fancy cloak and a fancy shirt dressed the jokester
another laugh filled the court
the jokester not amused queried all why
and the crowd did yell something about his fly

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